Insul release notes Release 9.0.23 January 2021 * Fixed install bug from 9.0.22 * Updated calculation of C, Ctr corrections * Improved handling of user-chosen locations for materials files on Mac * Fixed window-resize crash on Mac * Added Cavity Width to the auto-generated system description * Minor interface improvements for Rainfall, Floor cover and Glazing tabs * Added alert for modelling porous facings with very high flow resistivity * Improved detailing of Leaks on printouts * Improved Outdoor-Indoor Calculator to prevent crashing when RT is less than 0 * Fixed Outdoor-Indoor Calculator single figure index bug * Added new Settings feature to adjust font size on main printout * Added new items to INSUL Materials list * Added new items to INSUL Absorption list Release 9.0.22 January 2020 * Bug fix in Outdoor-Indoor calculator tool to maintain data integrity across elements Release 9.0.21 January 2020 * MacOS 64 bit version of INSUL is available * Fixed bug in Triple Glazing routines with argon filled cavities * Tidied materials lists * In the Materials Editor, adjusted minimum values for the density field * Minor updates for usability of tables and tab keys * Revised routines to reduce memory leaks and access errors Release 9.0.20 July 2019 * Fixed bug recalling Single constructions with no porous facing * Improved Composite TL Calculator functionality in Mac version * Fixed bug in Double Impact Sound Pressure Level calculations with no cavity infill * Improved pop-up menu display in Mac version * Corrected access violation error which occured occasionally when changing language * Minor printing improvements for Test Panel sizes * Bug fix for rain noise models for orthotropic panels * Improved Materials Editor closing routines * Updated illustrations to improve rendering of cavity infill on file open * Revised update-checking routines to prevent hanging * Fixed bug for cavity details for Pitched Roof frame type Release 9.0.19 May 2019 * Updated illustration dimensions for Ceilings, Floors and Roofs * Fixed bug with resetting material lists upon Materials Editor close * Fixed illustration bug for plotting CompositeSteelFloor systems * Updated Indoor/Outdoor Calculator for improved printing of third octave band tables * Fixed Composite TL Calculator printing bug for single octave tables * Increased Indoor/Outdoor Calculator area and volume size limits * Improved recollection of model details for PIR and similar frame types * Tidied Porous tab layout to prevent overlapping lists * Updated display for Custom materials to show in blue font * New items added to INSUL Materials list * New items added to INSUL Floor Cover list * New items added to INSUL Absorption list * Minor amendments to printouts to better handle very long descriptions * Minor translation updates for German and French Release 9.0.18 November 2018 (Mac only) * Sewell's correction wasn't applied to triple panels (since v9.0.11), added it back * Panel stiffening wasn't being applied with 16g (1.6mm) steel studs, added them. * For Composite Steel panels, in materials editor, prevent Rib height being greater than panel thickness Release 9.0.17 October 2018 * Fixed bug for updating cavity infill thickness * Updated translation of menu headings * Improved printouts by preventing word wrapping of the header and cavity descriptions * Fixed save file bug in the Composite TL Calculator * Improved state handling in the Composite TL Calculator * Updated chart export and illustration export to save to users My Documents * Fixed bug in the Materials Editor for ElasticCore materials Release 9.0.16 October 2018 * Update to correct issue with cavity infill flow resistivity Release 9.0.15 October 2018 * Implemented Trial License feature for Mac OSX * Improved usability for adding porous facing to Single constructions * Fixed bug with application of porous facing to Floor and Roof constructions * Updated illustrations to correct layouts for Ceiling, Floor and Roof constructions with no connections * fixed bug in Outdoor to Indoor calculatr that wasn't copying 1/3 octave values for sound reduction spectrum (worked in octaves) Release 9.0.14 September 2018 * Updated calculations for floor with more than one layer in Panel 1 * Updated chart to prevent overlapping with Comparison buttons * Fixed printing bug which displayed a porous description for models without a porous facing * Fixed printing bug which displayed a floor cover description for walls and ceilings Release 9.0.13 September 2018 * Fix problem that you could not alter thickness of cavity infill * Fix problem with copy and pasting results. * Copy illustration now saves the picture/illustration to a file in the users Appdata folder * Fixed illustration where cavity absorber is vertical instead of horizontal * Fixed problem with SonArchitect export * Fixed problem with adding porous absorber to ISPL and rain noise calcs * Fixed problem with floor cover selection for light weight constructions * Improved combo box selection functions in Materials Editors * Updating chart legends for rain noise and ISPL calculations * Updated description for Floor constructions, so the floor cover is listed first * added CDM HR 50 flaoting floor and some AcoustiCork floor underlays * CertainTeed materials modified Young's Modulus for some boards Release 9.0.12 July 2018 * SoN export wan't working, hopefully fixed. * Rain noise bug (for decimal separator as , ) * Fixed bug for new frame/connection types with no Impact calculation procedures Release 9.0.11 May 2018 * Fixed an open-file bug which occured when using comma as the decimal separator * Updated rating methods for rain noise calculations Release 9.0.10 May 2018 * Fix Printing bug (no construction details printed, only leak stuff) Release 9.0.9 May 2018 * Re-worked Glazing algorithms to try and get the best empirical match between available data and INSUL * Add 0.75mm BMT steel studs * beginnings of Chinese Translation (ealy days) * Adding joist and stud dimensions to print outs * Fixing bugs with entering cavity dimensions * Minor additions to the Materials database * Updated calculations for leak predictions * Fixed minor bugs on Leaks tabs * Added leak details to printouts * Improved reliability of filtering functions in the Materials Editor * Updated string handling in search boxes to manage empty strings Release 9.0.8 February 2018 * Added some decimal places to English units display. * Fixed crashing when selecting Mini-orb roofing * In Outdoor to Indoor calculator fixed mucked up grid when switching between octave and 1/3 octave * Added 28mm Furring Channel (Australian and New Zealand connections lists) * Fixed problem in SonArchitect export for glazing * Added Israel as a region * add check box to force cavity width to remain constant (stud sizes adjust to maintain cavity width) * Partition dimensions now showing in OSX * Altered colour of buttons etc to make selections easier to see * Improvements to Glazing section (add check box for timber sash windows, improved triple glazing algorithms for normal aluminium frames) * Added CertainTeed materials * Made most woods orthotropic. * Printing function added to the Materials Editor * Undo and Redo functions added to the Materials Editor * Undo and Redo functions added to the Composite TL Calculator * Added an underlay selection box to the Materials Editor Floor Covers tab * Updated Composite TL Calculator to better handle very small element areas * 'All regions' searching option added to the Materials Editor search window * Revised styling for buttoms on the main INSUL window, including options in the View menu to change Style and layout * Revised styling for the Materials Editor search window, using expander lists * Updating Materials Editor form size for improved display on Surface Pros * Add STC/Rw single panel rating to Properties display. * Can now select and show a frame for a single panel, useful for getting the illustration more correct in some situations * As a consequence of last item we have changed the way you add a porous facing, now added in Frame 1 (no longer on the porous page). Release 9.0.7 October 2017 * Hopefully got on top of printing issues (previously only 600 dpi really worked properly) * Add Cold formed steel joists as option for ceilings and floors * Add load bearing steel studs with resilient rail (1.0-1.6mm or 20g to 16g) * Add prediction of impact sound for plastic foam underlays. * Fix incorrect addition of impact sound levels for octave band display * Re-instate transmission loss for specific angles of incidence for free field on source side * Re-enable display and entry of dynamic stiffness (metric units only) * Added panel information to 2D display * Fixed illustration of batten and cradle spacing for 400mm etc * Minor translation fixes * Added margin of error to printout * Correctly set, and store and recall setting of frequency ranges for C and Ci * Increase length of project number and name * Fix problems in SONarchitect export of floors (not export airborne and impact at the same time) * Added EVA as a glazing interlayer option * Added GTEC resilient acoustic stud as a frame option * Many small improvements to the French translation * Beginnings of Polish and Chinese translations * Fix bug in Impulse reponse generator in Auralisation (didn't affect the main auralisation part) * Fix bugs in English units for surface mass dimensioning of glazing constructions * More work on improving the Mac OS version Release 9.0.6 October 2017 * Printing of 2D illustration * More tweaks to printing of custom logo * Adjust scale of 2 D illustration (use mouse wheel) * Fix bug of Ceiling/Floor absportion not correctly showing in Description Box * Numerous updates to the Outdoor-Indoor calculator - Can change colour of lines on graph - Moved location of Dntw line as this is an overall quantity - Fixed equation constants for English units (and corrected it for metric units) - Added a Save As button * Added Rw+Ctr to display (its quite small at this stage) * Display floor cover and underlay parameters and enable editing thereof for heavy floors * Correct drawing of trapezoidal profiles when used on panel 2 or 3 so the ribs poke out instead of in * More work on Outdoor to indoor calculator (enable bigger graph when screen is enlarged, fixed issues with printout) * Improved WAV file library feature. Can now set a default folder as your library and store your own WAV files there. * Improvements to triple glazing calculations * Improved printouts for rain Noise calculations (added rain fall rates, roof areas, rain type etc) * fixed default value of PIR for English units * Fixed translation of drop down lists in the Materials Editor. * Fixed bug when showing properties of Porous material * Selected material should be at top of the box at (almost) all of the time now. * Cursor changes to cross hairs when over illustration to indicate you can click for properties. * layers 2 to 6 by default have number of layers = 0 , but now when you choose a material it automatically sets to = 1 Release 9.0.5 August 2017 * Added 2 D illustrations as an option instead of 3 D * Fixed up setting for show or no show flanking on graph. * Fixed autoscale so it is a bit more logical. * fixed logo display (aspect ratio of logo is preserved.) * Outdoor calculator various small improvements (descriptions as graph legends, graph on printout, improved grid behaviour) * Added a line to the Outdoor to Indoor calculator for including an arbitary insertion loss (could be used for shielding or screening for instance) * Added Stucco to USA materials list, Custom Orb and fibre cement to Australian list, USG Structo Concrete * Fixed some issues with auralisation * Fixed floor infill poking through floor if too thick. Showed display of 2nd blanket in floors. * Completed most everything for the French translation. * Small improvements to the Materials Editor. * Added Chilean materials * Tidy up some flooring material data * French translation improved. Release 9.0.4 July 2017 * Can be downloaded from * Fix left axis title on graph for impact calcs (show correct label) * Don’t show flanking curve when not appropriate * Store and recall setting of dBA,NC,PNC or NR * Improved accuracy for strapped and lined walls * Added Akustik mounts (ceiling and floor) * Made key update function work * Enabled SONarchitect export. * Fixed display of wrong frequency range for Ctr * Removed DnT,w from printout. * Added floor cover description to print out * Added a few properties to line at bottom of screen. * Fix bug that changed cavity width after closing Settings form (apparently changed STC/Rw when changing eg Room Volume) * Get Update function working again (from this update onwards) * Fix minor bugs with Materials Editor search function * Added legend to Materials Editor Floor Cover chart * Updated handling of Batten and Cradle constructions for Floor calculations * Spanish translation of main form (other forms still to come). Release 9.0.3 June 2017 * Add left and right steel studs with an airgap. * Fixed some install problems when no regional materials were visible * Flanking curve was not showing for masonry constructions. * Rain noise, can now set room volume correctly * Fixed problem on start up occurring with systems with 2 screens of different size. * Flanking options appear when clicking “show flanking” * Unlinked core density for panel 1 and panel 2. * Orthotropic panels now have an illustration (previously blank) * German translation now available * Tidy ups of composite transmission loss calculator * Fixed bug with printout of OITC (was always 9 dB) now correct. * Now shows the marked block in grids (essential when copying for instance) * Outdoor to Indoor equation has correct constant for Imperial units. * Fixed nasty dip when using two panels with critical frequencies more than 2/3 octaves apart * Custom stud file so that users can create their own database of standard stud sizes Release 9.0.2 May 2017 * Add copy and paste functions to composite TL calculator, and to outdoor-indoor calculator (so you can transfer results). * New Help file. * Numerous small bug fixes. * Added calculator to estimate the flow resistivity of porous materials Release 9.0.1 April 2017 * Added search feature to floor cover list * Added National Gypsum plasterboard materials to US regional list Release April 2017 * Initial release (with outdated Helpfile). List of new features compared to version 8 * New user interface design with 3 D illustration of the construction that can be zoomed and rotated. * Better utilisation of small or big screens. (Elements of interface can be re-arranged for personal preference) * Prediction of floating floors using polystyrene or mineral wool with concrete screed on top. * Double absorptive blankets can be selected (means illustrations can be more realistic) * Prediction of external cladding systems using PIR or Polystyrene insulation * Better auralisation with a user expandable library of sounds.  * Ability to record auralisations for later replay without INSUL * New types of connections and improved illustrations * Thermal insulation of glazing (according to EN 673) * Database of steel or timber studs (standard sizes selected from menu). * Pitched roofs can now be predicted * Multi-platform (Windows, Apple Mac Os) (this may be a couple of months away) * Better search through materials files. * Filtering lists by category or manufacturer. * New types of frames/connections such as Batten and Cradle isolation pads